Many thanks to all of you that joined us for our AGM last night 27 April 2023.
I would like to introduce myself as your new club secretary and thank David Alcorn for carrying out this role over the last 3 years.
It's been a tough time due to a Global Pandemic I can only hope that is firmly behind us and we can move forward and continue to share the love of our Gordon's.
I am Alison Millar(nee Bell) and have been a member of GSCS for many many years. My parent's Alan and Nina Bell and sister Sheelagh were all founder members of the club. I would have been too had I not left home to join the Armed Forces. My mother will be known to many as she served for many years on our Committee and was Treasurer for 17 years. My 2 legged pedigree therefore stands me well and I hope that I can carry out this role successfully. I promise I will work hard for the club as I would like to think I have done so for the last 5 years serving as a committee member.
Can I also take this opportunity to welcome our new committee members.
Laura Millar
David Scobie
Hamish Miller
Fiona Donald
I look forward to seeing many of you at our Championship Show/Open Show on Sunday 21 May at Dumyat Centre, Main Street East, Menstrie, FK11 7BL