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2019 Special Awards


Updated: Apr 10, 2023

This is a lovely well-run show in a great setting, one that I have supported myself over the years. I was delighted to be asked to come and judge today.  Thank you so much to all the exhibitors for giving me a strong entry and for taking my decisions so sportingly.  My two stewards were very efficient and supportive giving up their lunchtime many thanks.

Special Awards Junior (6,1a)

1 Cairacaillie Spice of Life JW 18-month-old eye catching male – well constructed with excellent bone. Lovely strong head with defined stop.   Short coupled but not overdone.  Good clear tan.  He presented well although a little unsettled on the move.  

2 Benbuie Quantum of Solace – a bitch of 16 months has plenty of bone and is very mature for her age.  Well put together and excellent in outline.  Pretty feminine head.  Although hesitant on the move, she achieved her place today on her overall maturity and balance.  

3 Melview Phoenix.

Special Awards Postgraduate (13,3a) A strong class with a lot of nice dogs.   

1 Hernwood Northern Adonis of Dulmaur this 19-month-old dog kept catching my eye. Fabulous head with dark eye.  Great substance and balance when settled.  Stacking and moving he gave his handler a hard time but once relaxed he stood out in this large class for me.  A quality dog.  In the challenge, he was unsettled and unfortunately threw away his opportunity.   

 2 Kattandale Black Fern (AI) – Nearly 3 years old this bitch is now starting to mature nicely.  Pretty head with dark eye.  Moved confidently and sympathetically handled.  Her coat is coming.  Beaten today by the mature dog.  

3 Lignum Black Lightning at Kilnrae.

Special Awards Open (10,3a)

1 Benbuie Secret Agent JW longer cast than my earlier winners, this dog is very balanced with an elegant outline.  Gleaming coat with substance beneath it.  Clear tan.  Beautiful head and stop.  At 4 years old he is starting to mature and come into his own as this breed should.  Steady on the move.  Pleased to award him Best Special Award

 2 Tsruhnova Tumnus JW – nearly 3 years old, a very different type of dog from my winner.  A substantial boy with a strong head and well-defined stop.  Plenty of coat and moves with drive.  A lovely dog but preferred the head of the winner today.  

3 Dunfionn Pabay.

Best Colour – Yennadon Benriach JW

Best Feet – Kyuna Dream of Magic at Moonglade

Fancy Dress:

You are all such fantastic sports everybody received a prize not just the winner.  The winners, the Star Wars themed entry just had that something extra even including the Star Wars music as they marched around.  Well done to all of you!

1 Star Wars Darth Vader and Ewok (super cute puppy)

2 Mermaid and her Pirate

3 Summer Flower with her 2 Bees

4 Gordon’s Gin and Tonic

5 Nurse and her 3 patients

Liz Williams (Longrow)


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