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Our membership form is currently not available digitally as of. Below you can find our form in which you can print out and send to us.

Membership: Form
Becoming a Member

Membership fees are currently:

£8.00 Single

£10.00 Joint

£1.00 Junior

Membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December.


If you wish to become a member please complete our Membership Form and return it to the Membership Secretary with the appropriate fee for the first years membership. Cheques should be made payable to the Gordon Setter Club of Scotland. If you wish to pay subsequently by standing order, a standing order form can be provided.


Contact any of the Committee should you require more information.

Membership: Become a Member
Membership: Benefits
Membership: Annual Trophies

Annual Trophies

The Gordon Setter Club of Scotland awards the following annual trophies at the Annual General Meeting

Scaraben Trophy:

For the best hip score from a dog owned by a member.

Applications must be supported by a photocopy of the dog’s hip score sheet.


Strathfinella Trophy:

Awarded to the top winning show dog bred or owned in Scotland.

This means that dogs bred in Scotland but resident south of the border can claim and dogs living in Scotland but bred elsewhere can claim. Points are awarded for placings at Open and Championship Shows.


The Open Show Trophy: 

This trophy is awarded to the top winning show dog bred or owned in Scotland as above, but points are awarded for wins at Open Shows only.


Camusky Sweet Valentine Memorial Trophy:

This trophy is awarded to the top winning show dog owned by a member. Points are awarded for placings at Championship Shows.



Points scoring system for the above three trophies is as follows:


Championship Shows


Class Placings

1st - 6

2nd - 5

3rd - 4

4th - 3

VHC - 2    



Group  Placings

1st - 15

2nd - 12

3rd - 10

4th - 8



BOB - 15

CC - 14

RCC - 10

BIS - 15

Open Shows


Class Placings

1st - 4

2nd - 3

3rd - 2

4th - 1


BOB - 6


Group Placings

1st - 8

2nd - 6

3rd - 4

4th - 2


BIS - 10

The Trophy Steward, Mrs C. Ford, will accept results on a monthly basis with the name and date of the show, class placings and the KC name of the dog.

Membership: Image
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