Life with a Gordon Setter.
Life With a Gordon Setter
Quotes from people and members who have had Setters for years. They share some of their experiences and shed light to the pet side of the breed.

"What is the Gordon Setter?
An easy one to answer, a black and tan dog with handsome good looks, superb nature, sensitive to your needs, comforting you if you are upset and celebrating with you when you are happy, they will show this with great exuberance , reading your mind when it is “walkie time” no word being spoken. Very vocal when excited especially first thing in the morning, they have the traditional woo woo war cry.
The Gordon can be a little reserved with people they has not met before but totally devoted to their family and extended family, their loyalty have no limits. They are an intelligent dog, but can be stubborn but is usually easy to train because they want to please. They do make the ideal family pet."
Owner: Nina

"Firstly Gordon Setters are family dogs they are amazing loyal affectionate dogs.
I no longer show them but I have had them for over 37 years. If you would like to meet other Gordon’s then come along to our 2 open shows which are exclusive to the breed. There are also events aimed solely at ‘pets’ like The 'Fochabers Highlands Game fair' in May which is located at Gordon Castle Estate or the 'doggy day' out at 'Glamis Castle' all aimed at meeting and greeting many pet owners for a fun dog day out."
Owner: Diane
Field Trial
Coming soon... 2023
Coming soon...

Other Aspects
Heelwork and Therapet. Coming soon...